Science /Technology /Engineering/Math
Education for the 21st Century – Saturday Academy
Summer Madness – Summer Camp from 8:30 -5:30 four day a week for 8 weeks
Accelerated Academics, Social Skills Development, Supervised Recreation
Healthy Minds / Healthy Bodies

Education for the prevention of child abuse, use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, juvenile delinquency, and gang intervention. Encourages positive self-esteem, anger management, conflict resolution, and healthy life choices.
Students attend between the hours of 9:30 - 3:30 pm. They have a nourishing breakfast, lunch, snacks, attend trips, community events, and other program incentives.
They can also receive individual, group, and family counseling
S.I.M.B.A. II (Single Intelligent Males with Bold Ability)
Gives young males between the ages of nine and thirteen alternatives to juvenile delinquency and crime while increasing academic and careen choices. Our goal is to develop young entrepreneurs, community and family minded males.

Children Are A Gift - Public Awareness Campaign
A program that empowers parents towards independence and self-sufficiency
Running from April through June, promoting alternatives to the abuse of children, and educating caregivers to more positive methods of discipline and child rearing.

Parent Leadership Institute

The NIA Project
A project dedicated to developing young ladies (9-14), of purpose by teaching them to avoid negative and unhealthy lifestyles that hamper their future success.

'School to Work'
Allows students in eighth grade and above to do volunteer work, and at the same time learn leadership and other skills that will help them in their future careers. It also gives them an opportunity to give back to others and develop caring for young children.
Our Vision is to ‘Save the lives of children and Re-Direct them towards healthier lifestyles; while developing productive men and women who will pursue a better quality of life.”